1. Smoked Paprika - This is a new discovery for me. It is the most amazing spice I think I've ever used. It gives an almost bacon like flavor to food. Super smokey with a spicy kick. It does amazing things to roasted squash. Stay tuned for my favorite recipe using this ingredient.
2. Tabasco - No, I am not one of those people who wears a Tabasco holster where ever I go, but I do love the stuff. Best on eggs, and adding to guacamole for a little heat.
3. Butter - Always have, always will. All those spreads with their canola oils and butter flavors can take a hike. There is no substitute.
4. Coffee - My name is Courtney and I am an addict. Black, strong and hot. Please don't attempt to engage contact if I haven't had my coffee in the morning.
5. Avocados - My favorite fruit (yes, it is a fruit). I could easily eat one a day, and I probably do.
6. Ice Cream - As an American living in the UK, I struggle with this one. There are no Cold Stone Creamery's, or Marble Slab's in the UK. I miss those awesome concoctions of chopped up Reeses' and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream with a hot brownie and lots of hot fudge sauce. Banana's Fosters sundaes with hot caramel sauce. Cake Batter ice cream with sprinkles and gummy bears. Ben and Jerry's gets me through, but when I do go back home to the US, I eat my body weight in ice cream.
7. Peanut Butter - My husband laughs at me for this one. I will put peanut butter on anything. I defy you to try smearing it on a rice crispy bar and then dipping it in hot fudge sauce and not thinking you could snuff it right there. Try mixing a Tbsp with a little vegetable oil and a sprinkle of paprika on parsnips cut into fries and baking for 30 minutes on a high temp. So yum. Spicy Thai Peanut Noodles. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I prefer the all natural stuff that only contains peanuts and salt. Can't wait to make my own (so easy).
8. Chocolate - 'nuf said.